Saturday, June 26, 2004

Today's volleyball match between Vietnam and Singapore was truly amazing. All along, i thought Singapore was not going to get in the finals, but they prove me wrong. They play excellent today, congrats~

The incident i had was a week from now, to speak the truth, I'm still afraid when I'm alone in the living hall with the main door not closed, feeling very insecure and scared. I would close the door instinctively even though i feel hot, but i feel safer. But I'm glad that there are still some friends (Chee Keong, Remus, Annie, Neeta) who sent sms and called me, asking me if i was ok. I feel very happy because I'm not forgotten, i like to thank them for their care and concern. With your supports, i will be fine... I'm looking forward for tomorrow as i will be meeting Ben, Heng Ann and Kenneth for some catching up, i can't wait... Hee!!!