Sunday, September 18, 2005

Finally AHM is over, but I sort of wasted my long break because I did not make full use of it. Some days I would just stay at home watching TV. Lolz..... This week was a very memorable one, as we had our last "Happy Hour" in OCS and Charlie Wing won the PAC (Platoon Assault Course) where my platoon emerged first in the cohort. It's really something that all the brothers in Platoon 2 will remember forever, our hearts and souls spent in these 9 months. What is left now, is all the parade rehearsals something that we all hate 'cause we just got sun-burnt last Sat. Haha..... Hopefully I will not turn into charcoal.

As the date of my commission parade is coming soon, I hereby invite my friends who wish to witness this special event of mine. Please leave a message here or send me an sms. Lastly, this is for ladies out there only..... As I will have a Comms Ball dinner on Oct 7, and I urgently need a date so please HELP me!!!!! Try to let me know asap..... Thanks!