Sunday, November 27, 2005

Throat infection, cough and the loss of my voice, were the main highlights for these 2 weeks. Taken MC on both Mon which invited some gossips, but I don't really care that much. Last week, the recruits had their live range (100m). No one failed but some of them cocked up, until now still don't know how to check clear weapon, worst still some misfired. Not really afraid that they will shoot at instructors but must shout at them was a very tiring thing.

This week, they had their SITEX. OC wanted KX and me to lead a detail each. Although it was not really relevant but it turns out to be quite fun actually, seeing the recruits all working hard to meet the objective of each obstacles. My fellow colleagues said that I was sadist because at the start of the SITEX, I straight away give 2 arty drills to my detail, I even asked them to leopard crawl on the track. But from following them, I could really tell who was really the wayang king. Haha.... The worst part was the initiation drink, the stupid custom where new instructors must drink a mug, mixture of all sorts of stuff. The end result, definitely very disgusting. I escaped the thing because my throat still not feeling well but I had to drink for the next batch. Fuck it la.....

Almost 1 month never go club, went down to dbl O last night. At first, the choice of place was quite wrong. Why? The music was mambo, should have gone for R&B, Hip Hop. But fortunately, it turns out to be quite ok. Met up with Eric and Terence and drank a little. It was really pure coincidence, I saw my god-sis, Elaine. We have been in contact for very long but always failed to meet up. The other time I saw her was on the MRT. She came in I went out. Lolz.... I also saw one of my friends in OCS, Wei Zhan. We carry on drinking, until I really feel abit shaky. Ha.... Headed down to the dancefloor when the music turned to Hip Hop. Met up with Shuling for breakfest before heading home..... Now as I typed, the time for me to book in is drawing near....